About me

Pet Sitting, Pet Care Products, and more!

There is an overwhelming number of missing animals in our area, and I want to help create awareness to help reunite them with their families, as well as help families keep and care for their pets.

~ Are you attending school?

~ Do you work for a school?

~ Do you live near a school?

~ Do you provide a pet-related service (like I do) or know someone who does?

~ Do you care about animals or feel that they are a part of the family?

~ Would you be willing to post a flyer in the hall, on your wall, or in the office? (with permission, of course:)

Volunteers needed. All materials will be provided. Everyone can help. Anyone ~ Anywhere ~ Anytime

Join us on Facebook ~  Help Missing Animals

Adopt A Missing Pet and share them with your friends

Adopt A Missing Pet is being updated. If you cannot access it, please check back later.


Contact me to find out how you can help. We have a list, and I’m sure you have more ideas!

Learn how to keep your eyes, ears and heart open…

I offer many services in order to help families with pets and shelter animals.

Check out our fundraiser, updates on services, adopt me! page, and more on my website.

Proud member/supporter of Care.com , PROD, PUPS (Professional United Pet Sitters Association), Sittercity, and multiple animal-related networks such as Dogasaur.


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This site is focused on missing pets and many things have changed. For updates on services, blogging, and my life, please go to http://petspawsibilities.com

I love your site. Keep it up !

There are updates you may be interested in at Rescue Paws NorthWest’s WordPress blog…
And…Check out my site at http://petspawsibilities.com

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